Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Putrada Ekadashi - A fast and Puja for Conception

Ekadashis are very  auspicious days for any Hindu. Ekadashi means 11th day of the fortnight . Putrada Ekadashi Falls twice in a year . One in Paush Month ( Jun -Feb ) and one in Sharavan Month ( July -August ). Putrada means Putra Pradayini means the day which bestow a devotee with a Son or Child .
Like any other Ekadashi this day is also dedicated to the lord Vishnu. People keep fast according to their capacity and do puja , Havan and Daan to please The lord Vishnu.
The Legend of a Childless King and how he got the child after doing this puja is told on this day.
It is narrated by the Lord Krishna to The Lord Yudhishthir .
Lord Krishna has said that people who wish for a Child should keep this fast.
Below is the Video telling Katha about the "Putrada Ekadashi" .This will be helpful for you in your Puja


  1. I just wanted to add a comment to mention thanks for your post. This post is really interesting and quite helpful for us. Keep sharing.
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  2. While Citizens in other states celebrated Putrada Ekadashi During Shravan Month.
